Featured Projects

These are some of the projects that I am most proud of.

  • Baazaar API is an online retail backend project.It supports User Management&Authentication, Product Management, Shopping Cart Management, Notifications, Payment Integration, Third party Integrations. Built using Django, Django REST framework, Celery, PostgreSQL, AWS RDS, OAuth2, Stripe API, Twillio API, Gmail API, Postman, Swagger and Docker


  • DReact Dashboard is a dashboard web application that visualizes and analyzes data.It utilizes ReactJS D3js, Python, Django, Django Rest Framework, Postman, Swagger, PostgreSQL, Railway, nginx, gunicorn, Docker


  • SocialOverfloww is a blog/thought-post oriented Social Media API that is built using Django and Django Rest Framework It supports User Management and Authentication, Social Login Post/Artcile Management, Feed, Notifications, Discussions, Messaging, Third party Integrations. Was built using Django, Django REST framework Celery, PostgreSQL, DrawSQL, OAuth2, Twillio API, Gmail API, Postman, Docker


  • This is a chat application that utilizes the OpenAI API to provide intelligent and relevant responses to user queries. The application is built using the Python-Django framework for the backend, while the frontend is developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It also employs fetchAPI and AJAX to handle asynchronous requests and update the chatting interface in real-time.
